Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cushions Galore

So Mother's Day is a celebration of mothers right?   We don't have to celebrate by having breakfast in bed or planting flowers, we can celebrate by driving 250 miles (one-way) sans child can't we?  For my first Mother's Day - last year - I spent the weekend in Minneapolis. My own mother, good friend Mary and I shopped and shopped, ate out and stayed the night in a nice hotel and spent the next morning listening to the Dalai Lama.  The shopping part seemed so wrong since the real purpose of the trip was to see His Holiness but we could not stop ourselves.

The best shopping stop was Treadle Yard Goods.  I had never been in a good fabric store that had that kind of selection.  Places like Hancock Fabric and JoAnn Fabric do not count as "good" fabric stores but they certainly have selection - "good" fabric stores carry corduroy and batik and quilting fabric.  I picked up 2 yards of sale butter yellow paisley corduroy - sale meaning $12/yard verses $16/yard.  These 2 beautiful yards just sat in my fabric stash.  I kept looking at them and thinking I had to make something really special with them since I bought them when we saw the Dalai Lama.

A few months ago, my father passed away.  Within a few days my mother needed to change how things looked and felt in the living room.  She had my brother and I haul the couch out to the garage and eventually to the landfill.  I managed to save the cushions - and recovered them with a mix of corduroy fabrics.  Anika loves to jump on them, lounge on them as she watches Gnomeo and Juliet, use them as a step stool to reach buttons on the stereo and play with her little people on them.  It was a good save.


skrapyram said...

Those look FANTASTIC!!!!

skrapyram said...

Now will you make something using the fabric I bought?