Tuesday, April 12, 2011

mommy's yoga time

Excited about the ceiling fan!

For the past 35 years, mornings have been my own time.  Time to drink that steaming cup of dark, rich coffee while I peruse magazines or the paper or a good book.  Maybe throw in a little meditation and my morning sun salutations.  Those days are long gone.  I have heard people say that the child they added to their lives joined their current life.  In other words, the parents did not change, the child conformed. Who are these people?!  I no longer linger over coffee - IF I get to drink my cup before it gets cold I consider myself lucky.  Meditation is one of those abstract concepts that I can just see off in the distance - fuzzy and out of focus.  But damn it.  I am going to do my sun salutations. 

Miss Anika lays on our bed, the fan spinning above her to keep her amused while I start my warm ups - the circle of joy.  If you have never done this lovely circle, please, please check it out and do it at your desk or pause and do it while you are washing dishes or perusing your bookshelf.  It will be a very rewarding experience.  By then she is talking away (see video below!) and I have to chat with her during my wide legged forward bend.  Then comes the sun salutations and I can get a few in before I need to have another conversation.  A few more standing poses and now I need to move Anika to the mat and do some child friendly cat and cow.  Like my yoga practice, my life has changed.  It is much richer and I take more time to pay attention to the things around me to chat about them with my daughter. 

1 comment:

skrapyram said...
