Sunday, April 10, 2011

buzzing bees

Anika is sitting up everywhere - in her ExerSaucer, in her high chair, in her stroller, in the corner of the couch.  She loves it.  It is a whole new world for her and she is loving every minute of it!  She is so distracted by everything around her - and who wouldn't be?  There are so many, many thing to look at and touch and put in her mouth.  It is great fun to see things new again - I had no idea how much fun a ball of used tin foil was until Ani laughed at it.  Her laugh is infectious.  Check out a video I took a few days ago of her laughing at her crazy, spastic bee.  (Which I bought to get up to the free shipping amount on Amazon - one of the best purchases this week!)

Anika still spends plenty of time on the floor and she is almost rolling over by herself... almost.  We only have 1 1/2 to 2 hours of awake time to play and we have to change 3-12 diapers in that time and convince her to drink her formula.  You see, Anika like to play with her formula unless she is starving.  She has learned how to blow bubbles back into the bottle.  Not our favorite skill of hers.  We start feeding her in our arms and then when she starts getting distracted and moving her head from side to side to side, we move to the bouncy chair where we hold up a book for her to look at while hold the bottle.  Some days it is helpful to have 2 of us feeding her.  Like it is helpful to have 2 of us change her diaper - not a number 1 diaper, but a number 2 diaper.  One of us holds her legs away from the offending diaper and the other cleans all of the poo that hides in the folds and crevasses of her lower half.  Yes.  My life and conversations revolve around Anika's diapers, how fast she is growing, and buying formula and other daily supplies.  I am working on getting my own life.  One day soon I will have something new to talk about.  It might be time to take my subscription to the New York Times off vacation mode and start reading something other than Parent's magazine...

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