Monday, June 06, 2011


I will admit, I was a bit nervous about Anika cutting teeth.  Anika is a joy to be with most of the time... but when that bewitching hour starts, Kevin and I are not shy about tag teaming it (handing her off to the other).  I thought teething meant the bewitching hour(s) would now be an all day event.  Don't get me wrong, she has been SO much better since she started seeing the chiropractor, but she still has her moments - sometimes all of moments get wrapped into one lovely 3 hour session of crying and flailing about.  But her moments are not related to her teeth - we have not noticed a big change in her - no extra crying, no pulling on her ears, no fever... there is the extra drool as you can see from the picture above... but the only side effect from drool is a little rash on her neck and the dryness level of her onesie. 

What an independent child. Anika has started eating solid foods - rice cereal, sweet potato, banana, pears, avocado and this week we are adding chickpeas and carrots.  Hot damn.  The very first time I have her a sippy cup, I demonstrated how to use it and she grabbed it from me and started drinking.  We have created a monster.  After the solid food part of meals, she will not finish up and drink formula from a bottle - we have to put her formula in her sippy cup so she can do it herself.  And of course she cannot drink well in her high chair, so we move her to the bouncy chair.  Of course.  We are embracing her independence - what else can we do?  There is no changing a  babies personality and why would you want to? 

Miss Anika is starting to sit up by herself.  We have stopped cheering when she rolls over because that is old news now, but we have started cheering when she grabs for an object while sitting and moves/falls toward it... on to the next stage -- crawling!

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