Thursday, January 20, 2011

poop and pee

our little stinker
Anika has moved to using the crib full time.  You see, she is a wiggler.  She wiggled to the top of her bassinet too many times and when I found her with her neck cranked to the side and jammed into the side of the bassinet, I knew it was time to move on.  Last night was her first night in the big girl crib.  Kevin was on milk duty at 4:30 AM this morning and Miss Anika had wiggled her way towards the top of her crib.  In fact, she had wiggled right out of her diaper.  Yep.  Her sleepsack and onesie were soaked, but she did not care.  Her daddy was there to feed her and make her nice and warm. 

When I went to get her this morning (close to 7 AM) she was smiling and stretching and having a grand ole time in her crib. She was so excited to see me.  It made me think of a story my mother told me about myself as a wee one.  I was smiling and so happy to see her in the morning - just like Anika - and I had finger painted my crib with my poop.  Oh yes.  That was my thought this morning.  Foreshadow.

I had just stepped out of the shower and my mother called me into Anika's (or Ding Dong as I so fondly refer to her) room.  Since I am the mother and she is the grandmother, it is my duty to do the dirty work.  And there was PLENTY of dirty work to do this morning.  She had poop up her back - now I have dealt with poop up the back before, this was not a normal dirty diaper.  This was UP THE BACK almost to her neck and on her right arm.  And there she was smiling at her best friends - the birds hanging above the changing table - and cooing and I was scooping poop from between her body and her onesie.

There were 2 choices: cut off the onesie or get it over her head.  I like the onesie so I opted for #2.  First I scooped the poop out, then I created a barrier between Anika and her onesie with g-diaper inserts.  It was a good thing that Kevin had dressed her in a loose onesie (6 month size) and not her sausage onesies (3 month size) because I had to put it over her head without moving it to her neck.  Anika went directly to the sink to be hosed off and bathed and her clothes went directly to the basement laundry sink.  Do you know what backsplash is?  That is all I need to say about the clothes. 

She is smelling much better and so far we have not had a meltdown... but it is only 8 PM.  

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