Friday, January 14, 2011

sucessful nap!

I just snapped a quick picture of Anika napping in her big girl crib - no more bassinet during daylight hours!  Never mind that it is 2 PM and she has been napping in my arms or on my chest the rest of the day. Yesterday was not a successful day for being alone in her big girl crib - but today is another day.

We have had a calm day here at the Boerst household, which is quite the change from yesterday afternoon/evening.  As soon as my mother left, all hell broke loose.  Anika would not settle down to have a good nap, she cried, she thrashed and she had a super meltdown for Kevin from 8-11:30.  Then I was up with her by 12:15... I do not know how single parents do it.

At least we are starting to learn her cries.  There is the "I cannot believe that you just took away my bottle cry" which only lasts 5 seconds, tops, because she realizes it is time to burp and it feels good to sit up.  Then there is the "I am so pissed off right now and you can all go to hell" cry which lasts 15 minutes to 4 hours, don't forget the "I am so tired and you are holding me in the wrong position" cry, which can only be remedied by finding the secret position.

Hark!  I hear the "I have a wet diaper and I am about to thrash wildly about" noises.  Not a cry, but something else all together.  Time to attend to the wee one.

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