Wednesday, January 26, 2011

first shots

We only wish Anika was this content.  These pictures were before she had her first round of shots.  I refuse to take pictures now because she is crying and screaming all of the time.  All. Of. The. Time. Who wants that captured in a picture that lasts forever?  Memories fade...

Anika now weighs 11 pounds 14 ounces and is 24 inches tall.  Pretty good for being 2 months old!  She has graduated to 6 month clothes, which means once again that we had to purchase pajamas and long sleeved onesies for her.  Yep.  Most of her 6 month clothes are the wrong season - short sleeved onesies, cute dresses with matching undies, cotton sleepers. Guess what.  It is not summer.  Soon we will have to turn up the heat in the house and pretend it is summer. 

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