Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fussy Fishy

Ok, so a couple things.  Trout opener was January 15th.  Daddy somehow managed to get a hall pass to go fishing.  So, I went out to Burntside for lake trout with a friend.  Luckily, I managed to get two fish (limited out).  One was a very small one about 2 pounds.  (Its swim bladder was coming out its mouth from the decompression so I had to keep it.)  The second was a better one, about 7-8 pound laker.  (See photo below.)  As you can see, it was a bit chilly out.  Not bad, but wind chills around -15. 

So, the reason I am posting is that I was mandated to tell everyone Karen's (grandma Leiviska) little limerick she told tonight.

"Fishy, fishy in the brook
Daddy catches him with a hook
Mamma fries him in a pan
and baby eats it like a man."


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