Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Summer Time

It seems like summer does not start until the 4th of July and then it is almost over the next week.  We tried to pack it all in before our September trip to the Rock Bend Folk Festival.  It was damn hot and then suddenly freezing cold and sweltering again.  But being true Minnesotans (Yes, Kevin has been here long enough to claim both states as his own - WI and MN), we did not plan any trips around the weather.  We just let it happen.  We need to change that in the future.

Near the end of July we packed up the Airstream and headed to Grand Rapids to see Missy and Ruby.  It was damn cold.  And rainy.  And finally something worked on our Airstream without issue - the heat.  As we were leaving town, we stopped at Blandin Beach to have a picnic lunch and stretch our legs (since we had just spent 3 hours at a repair shop getting new tired on the Airstream).  Ani played at the playground for a while and then "accidentally" got her clothes wet.  We just stripped her down and watched her run back and forth with her cattail paddle. 

Late July - Grand Rapids, MN, yes that is a winter hat
In August, Leif, Lars and Emilie came for their annual summer excursion.  Lars is about a year younger, but just Ani's size.  The two of them had a blast!  Leif got to have his own play date with some big kids - Caid and Grant.  Everyone was happy.  We has a babysitter for the first time - so the adults could see Norah Jones in concert, here in Ely, MN.  The concert was great, the babysitting not so much. Nothing was wrong with the babysitters - I heart Lauren and Taylor - we just need to do it more often.  Ani was scared that we were never coming back.  The ladies calmed her down with a promise of fingernail painting and popcorn.  Who says bribes are bad?

Caid, Grant, Leif and Ani
Ani's new bestie - Lars
Bouncy house at the Strom's party
Most mornings were spent at the park
Or the beach
We camped in the Airstream once in August - right outside of Ely.  We met Kevin's college friends and their families for a weekend of fun.  Except it was not so fun - Ani was fooling around and turned the heat on - the heat that saved us in July almost killed us in August.  We would not turn it off. Kevin came up with a work around, and we learned the different air flow patterns for different positions of the single fan we had in there at the time.  Hint: turn the fan almost straight up to the ceiling and the curvature of the Airstream will do the rest.  We had a great time with all of the people with us, but the heat and bugs sent me just about over the edge.  I took Ani home early on Sunday and Kevin went back with the boat and took all of the kids fishing for the afternoon. A win-win.

Then it was September, time for the Rock Bend Folk Festival.  There was record breaking heat in Southern Minnesota - right where we were headed.  We stopped at Jessie and Jason's in the Cities because Kevin had to work from St. Paul on Friday.  We did kid stuff - the Mall of America,  Ani's first time in any mall - Riding the Dora Train, Ani's first ride - watching airplanes take off and land, also a first - spending time at the MN Zoo, watching bears, penguins and splashing in the fountain, another first for Ani.  I was starting to think Ani has had a sheltered life. 

Jake, JJ and Ani - watching a swimming brown bear
Chilling out at the MN Zoo fountains
Kevin picked us up at the Zoo in the Airstream and we headed south to St. Peter.  It was hot.  Too hot.  The cicadas were ear splitting loud.  I looked for a hotel with air conditioning - no luck.  We bought another fan.  Ani loved the festival - well, she loved the playground and the kid music and the MN Zoo mobile and face painting.  She did not want to sit on a blanket with me and listen to folk music.  She was only 2 1/2.  I forgave her and played at the park.  Jessie and the boys joined us.  It was a grand ole time.  On our way home we picked apples at an orchard, some of which we are still eating in the form of apple sauce and dried apple rings.  Life is good. 

St. Peter, MN walking to the festival
Face painting at the Rock Bend Folk Festival

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