Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Winter is here.  We are currently on day two of a snow fest.  I think we have about a foot of new snow so far.  It just is not stopping or even pausing.  But this is why we live here!  This past weekend, Ani, Kevin and I spent a good part of the morning sledding on our "hill" in the backyard.  Ani finally likes the orange plastic sled - last year she would not go near it.  We even got to walk around the block in Apa's sled.  Another sled she would not go near last year. Her cross country skis are still a no go.  It was chilly so, we warmed up with hot coca, not hot chocolate - another first for us.  I love that we still have firsts and Ani is already three. 

Yesterday afternoon we had to get out of the house, so we went out and caught many snowflakes on our tongues, unsuccessfully made a snow angel and  tried to sled down the hill again.  But there was too much fluffy snow - the ride up was uneven and wobbly and the ride down gathered snow in the sled from all sides.  So Ani requested the wood sled, Apa's sled.  That made my heart soar - the morning my dad passed away, he was working on that sled.  His last words were to my brother about how many coats of polyurethane to put on it.  Now I tell Ani stories of her Apa whenever we ride in it.

Happy Holidays!

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