Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Potty time

So it is potty training time in our household. I am not certain if we are training Ani or she is training us. Anika's daycare has been putting her on the potty 4-5 times a day since she was 18 months old - I think it is one persons full time job to take all of those kids to the potty, wash hands, pull up pants and cheer.

Ani lets us know when she want to use the potty and when she has just wet her diaper and when she wants to wash her hands. All with the same word "paaie". But no matter what her real meaning, we head to the bathroom, set up the staging area and sing songs as she sits on the throne.

In the event that something makes it into the toilet, we all clap and cheer. If it was a false alarm, we just clean on up and go about the business of our day.

Yesterday I hopped into the shower after I had just changed her night time diaper - which happened to have a messy surprise - when I heard her pitter patter into the bathroom and say "paaie". What?! Now?! I talked her through putting up the toilet seat then taking her seat off the hook and putting it on the big toilet then getting the stool.... all while speed showering - rinsing the shampoo as fast as I could. Then I had her back up to the shower so I could take her pants and diaper off. I need to pause here to let the non-parents of toddlers know something here. The 15 minutes in the shower are the only 15 minutes that belong to you - no sticky hands grabbing for you, no spills to clean, no poopy diapers to change. Just hot hot water beating on your shoulders and the sounds of ABBA in your head. Instead, I was singing the ABCs while Ani fake peed in the potty.

She is lucky she is so cute and likes to give hugs.

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