Monday, July 16, 2012

Raspberries galore!

Anika has discovered the joy of fresh berries. First, the strawberries in the garden - her job was to take the berries we handed her and place them in the bowl. About a third made it onto the bowl and most of the rest made it into her body - a few lost soldiers painted her face and clothes.

Now it is raspberry season. And for those of you who have been here before, you l know that our neighbors Pete and Rosemary have a huge raspberry patch with abnormally large fruit. Anika has been helping them pick whenever we are all in our backyards at the same time. Pick = fill her belly. When the neighbors are not outside, she makes a bee line for our mini raspberry patch. The plants are a perfect height for her and a good height for Elmo to pick as well!

We love our berries!

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