Tuesday, November 01, 2011


our little monkey
Leaf Man and Monkey Girl
Anika's first Halloween was a success!  We managed to snag candy that both Kevin and I like AND she did not melt down during trick-or-treating.  Mary, Scott and Leaf Man picked us up and showed us the trick-or-treating ropes.  Since we moved to Ely, Kevin and I have not left the house on Halloween.  Ever.  I cannot believe how many children there are in town. 

First stop: the Fire Station for glow sticks and then off down Chapman Street to hit up the radio station and library.  Anika got a stuffed moose from WELY and a sticky hand thingy from the mad scientist librarian (not Mary).  On to the haunted house (which we choose not to go in) and the nursing homes.  Then Anika was DONE.  A successful night and a full pumpkin!

1 comment:

skrapyram said...

Great post and great photos. We had our camera along but somehow never managed to get a photo of Leaf Man or Monkey Girl.