Tuesday, March 08, 2011

arrested development

The first time Anika sat in her Bumbo chair I had to prop her up, quick take a photo to prove what a big girl she was, then immediately pry her crying body out of the chair and pop in a pacifier.  She has evolved since then (as you can tell from the photo progression).  Now Anika likes to play with toys we put on the tray that attaches to the chair.  By "play" I mean looks at them, try to eat them then sweep the toys off of the tray and onto the floor. 

first time in bumbo chair

12 weeks old
14 weeks old
15 weeks old (almost)

Anika has grown out of the top two sleepers and is about to bust out of the frog suit at any moment.  In fact last night, during the first of many meltdowns, we took her out of the frog suit in case her feet were getting squashed.  It stopped the meltdown in its tracks.  Shortly there after, a new one started. She is a sensitive child. 

So sensitive in fact, that sleep training is proving to be a daunting task.  She needs quiet, darkness, and someone's arms to snuggle into.  But when she is 3 years old that might be a challenge to provide so we are working on eliminating the arms part of the trifecta.  I will let you know how it works in a few months :)

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